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The objectives of the TMCC chapter of the Nevada Faculty Alliance are to enhance the promise of higher education for the common good; to promote and maintain the standards and ideals of the profession; to provide a democratic voice for professional employees in higher education; to provide legislative advocacy; and to maintain collective bargaining agreements covering compensation, working conditions, and other items and conditions of employment

TMCC-NFA seeks to:

  • Secure explicit guarantees of academic freedom, tenure, and due process;

  • Establish orderly and clear procedures for prompt consideration of problems and grievances;

  • Advance and protect the professional and economic interests of all members of the TMCC-NFA bargaining unit;

  • Promote unity among employees and thereby enhance the effectiveness of TMCC-NFA in representing these employees; and

  • Uphold racial and social justice and thereby challenge systems of racial oppression and social inequity.

2022-24 TMCC-NFA Executive Committee

Jim New

Jim New

Community College Professor
Information Systems

Amy Cavanaugh

Amy Cavanaugh, PhD
Vice President

Community College Professor

Julia Hammett

Julia Hammett, PhD

Community College Professor

Lars Jensen

Lars Jensen, PhD

Community College Professor

Cheryl Cardoza

Cheryl Cardoza
Past President

Community College Professor

State NFA Representatives

  • Cheryl Cardoza: Bylaw and Policies Committee, Co-chair
  • Julia Hammett: Political Action Endorsement Subcommittee
  • Scott Huber: Legal Defense Committee
  • Henry Sotelo: Legal Defense Committee
  • Brad Summerhill: Government Relations Committee; Political Action Endorsement Subcommittee

Legal Defense Committee

  • Amy Cavanaugh, Chair
  • Thomas Cardoza
  • Julia Hammett
  • Jim New
  • Henry Sotelo

Bargaining Council

  • Julia Hammett, Chair
  • Cheryl Cardoza
  • Jim New

Membership Committee

  • Lars Jensen, Chair
  • Nathan Lower

Communications Committee

  • Julia Hammett, Chair

Sketch of Red Mountain Building

First established in 1983, the Nevada Faculty Alliance quickly grew with advocacy chapters at all eight institutions in what was then the University and Community College System of Nevada. NFA is the Nevada affiliate of the American Association of University Professors, the oldest national organization advocating for academic freedom, and shared governance, and promoting higher education as a common good. 


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