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Faculty Rights

TMCC Campus

In the last year, the tenure processes for two separate faculty members at TMCC were derailed at the last possible moments. Such occurrences are not only devastating for the tenure candidate, but extremely stressful for the tenure committee members, as well. Both instances also raised serious concerns for diverging from the established procedures. 



TMCC-NFA vigorously defends tenure and the safeguards it affords faculty members. Tenure protects academic freedom, which is necessary for teachers and researchers in higher education. Individuals cannot fulfill their responsibilities if they fear loss of employment because of their speech, publications, or research due to political, corporate, religious, or other outside pressures. Tenure also promotes stability, giving individual faculty members the ability to develop stronger ties to the local community, mentor students, and pursue innovation. Although tenure only permits termination for cause or extraordinary circumstances, its benefits go well beyond the protection of individual faculty members. It protects the quality of teaching and maintains the institution’s integrity, thereby serving students, society, and the common good.

Additional Resources on Tenure

Weingarten Rights

Weingarten rights guarantee an employee the right to Union representation during an investigatory interview. These rights, established by the Supreme Court, in 1975 in the case of J'. Weingarten Inc., must be claimed by the employee. The supervisor has no obligation to inform an employee that they are entitled to Union representation. An employee may choose their own representative, who may be a representative of the union or a fellow employee. Employers are required to honor that request, so long as that choice does not unduly interfere with the employer’s ability to conduct its investigation. Employees may not request a non-employee representative unless that individual is an officer or business agent of the employee’s union. For example, an employee may not request a private attorney or a family member as their Weingarten representative if that individual has no affiliation with the employee’s union.

Additional Resources on Weingarten Rights

Higher Education and the Common Good.

TMCC is operated for the common good of the greater community it serves. The free search for truth and knowledge and their free expression are core elements of this concepts as recognized in the NSHE Board of Regents Handbook Title 2, Chapter 2 and in Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 38: “The Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) and its eight institutions are committed to free and open inquiry in all matters and strive to afford all members of the NSHE community the broadest latitude to speak, write, listen, challenge, and learn” (BOR Handbook Title 4.1.38).


Shared Governance

According to TMCC’s Shared Governance Principles, “Joint efforts in an academic institution require a productive interdependence of all stakeholders.” The AAUP “Statement on Government of Colleges and Universities” argues that shared governance is essential for maintaining autonomy, the welfare of the institution, the productive communication of ideas, and impactful decision making.  Furthermore, all of us are partners in creating a vibrant campus community.  

TMCC-NFA will vigorously assert its role in Shared Governance at TMCC.

Additional Resources on Shared Governance

TMCC-NFA members in good standing are entitled to legal guidance on employment related matters. Members may be eligible for legal defense in cases related to teaching, research, administrative responsibilities, grievances, etc. at TMCC depending on the merit and parameters. NFA can help with tenure denial, reconsideration, grievances, adverse annual evaluations, pay equity, sexual harassment, discrimination, and other workplace issues.