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Academic Freedom

Higher Education and the Common Good.

TMCC is operated for the common good of the greater community it serves. The free search for truth and knowledge and their free expression are core elements of this concepts as recognized in the NSHE Board of Regents Handbook Title 2, Chapter 2 and in Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 38: “The Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) and its eight institutions are committed to free and open inquiry in all matters and strive to afford all members of the NSHE community the broadest latitude to speak, write, listen, challenge, and learn” (BOR Handbook Title 4.1.38).

Principles of Academic Freedom.

TMCC-NFA adheres to and defends our members' rights under the Academic Freedom Policy adopted by our affiliate organization, AAUP (The American Association of University Professors) and utilized by the Nevada System of Higher Education in Title 2, Chapter 2 and Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 38. 

  • Full Freedom in Research and Publication that does not interfere with the performance of other academic duties.

  • Freedom in the Classroom in discussing with candor and integrity the subjects related to their areas of expertise even if the topics are considered politically, socially, or scientifically controversial. Freedom in the classroom also includes the freedom to choose pedagogical strategies appropriate to their fields of expertise. 

  • Freedom as a Citizen to express concerns or ideas without fear of institutional censorship or discipline. Faculty should clearly indicate that they are not acting as institutional spokespersons when they engage in their rights as citizens. 

Obligations of Academic Freedom 

  • TMCC-NFA shall welcome and encourage “the freedom to debate and discuss ideas” to inspire “critical thought and promote enhanced learning opportunities” (BOR Handbook, Title 4.1.38).

  • TMCC may “in narrowly-defined circumstances… lawfully restrict expression and may reasonably regulate the time, place, and manner of expression consistent with First Amendment Principles” (Title 4.1.38).

  • TMCC-NFA will pursue actions against any attempt to “restrict or suppress debate or deliberation because the ideas put forth are thought to be offensive, unwise, immoral, or misguided” because attempts “to censor or punish the free expression of ideas” undermines the core function of the institution “of promoting rational discussion, inquiry, discovery, and the dissemination of knowledge” (Title 4.1.38).

  • TMCC-NFA shall “promote a lively and fearless freedom of expression and deliberation, but also protect that freedom when others attempt to restrict it” (Title 4.1.38).

  • TMCC-NFA will strive to ensure that faculty members who exercise their rights to Academic Freedom “shall not be subjected to censorship or discipline by the Nevada System of Higher Education on grounds that” they have “expressed opinions or views which are controversial, unpopular, or contrary to the attitudes of the Nevada System of Higher Education or the community” (BOR Handbook, Title 2.1.2).

  • TMCC-NFA agrees that faculty members shall not persist in discussing ideas in the classroom that bear no relation to the subject being taught.

  • TMCC-NFA believes that faculty members must accept that “academic freedom is accompanied by the equally demanding concept of academic responsibility” and agree “to maintain appropriate standards of scholarship and instruction” (Title 2.1.3).

  • “Faculty, students, staff, and others are free to criticize, contest, and condemn views expressed on campus; however, they may not obstruct, disrupt, suppress, or otherwise interfere with the freedom of others to express views they reject or even loathe” (Title 4.1.38).

  • Acts interfering with academic freedom, especially those using physical force or disruptive acts that impede institutional operations are the antithesis of academic freedom.

  • Acts that deny freedom of speech, freedom to be heard, and/or freedom to pursue research of choice also represent the antithesis of academic freedom.

Protection of Academic Freedom.

Both the protection of academic freedom and the requirements of academic responsibility apply to all members of the TMCC faculty, not only to the full-time tenured and tenure-track academic faculty but also to other faculty on campus including administrative and part-time faculty. 

The exercise of Academic Freedom shall not be deemed insubordination which would impose a specific and dire disciplinary term to a protected act, denying the right to freedom from censorship or discipline promised by the Nevada System of Higher Education. 

Additional Resources on Academic Freedom

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