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Legal Defense

TMCC-NFA members in good standing are entitled to legal guidance on employment related matters. Members may be eligible for legal defense in cases related to teaching, research, administrative responsibilities, grievances, etc. at TMCC depending on the merit and parameters. NFA can help with tenure denial, reconsideration, grievances, adverse annual evaluations, pay equity, sexual harassment, discrimination, and other workplace issues. 

Each case will be evaluated by the TMCC-NFA Legal Defense Committee. Contact any TMCC-NFA Officer for additional information.

Legal Defense Inquiries

  1. Are you a member in good standing? 

    1. If not, you are not eligible for legal defense support. But you can become a member by submitting this application:

  2. Please describe to the best of your ability the issue(s) that led you to pursue legal action. If possible, cite the portions of the NFA contract/NSHE code/TMCC bylaws that you feel are relevant.

  3. What actions have already been taken to attempt a resolution?

  4. Have you pursued a formal grievance procedure?

    1. Is that something you want assistance with?

  5. Do you already have legal counsel or do you need assistance from NFA to secure counsel?

  6. Please provide any supporting documentation that you might have. The committee will follow-up with an interview to clarify details and assist you in organizing your request.

State NFA will only consider providing financial support for employment-related matters. Employment-related matters may include, but are not limited to, evaluation, promotion, salary, denial of tenure, rescission of tenure, termination, administrative leave, conditions of employment, faculty and professional employee rights, Code and Bylaws disputes, Code and Bylaws violations, violations of collective bargaining agreements, constitutional rights, accusations under affirmative action guidelines as those accusations affect employment, and governance issues as governance issues affect employment, subject to the definitions and exclusions stated in this policy.

Other matters may fall under a different legal process such as ADA, Title IX, or EEOC.

Additional Resources on Legal Defense

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